Tuesday, July 14, 2009 @ 6:30 PM
i seriously hate myself.
i just bought 3 pairs of shoes all in one day. hahahs. but its cheap lah.. it only cost me $15 in total for 3 pairs... they are those kinda of everyday shoes.. not those drop dead gorgeous kind.. hahhas.
i am really gg to start setting aside 10% of my salary on top of my savings insurance. yup.. i need to head down to standard chatered asap.
anyway, the internship position at HSBC is actually a corporate communication position.. i am considering whether do i even wanna go for the interview.. its like... i am not that good with corporate communication.. i only got a B and B+ for my corp comm sub last sem.. and my recent corp comm test is really bad... cos corp comm is really something i dont like.. sigh.. tough choice.. the only thing that interest me in this job is the events part! i love events luh. all the freebies.. hahahhas. do really pray hard for me.. my interview in next tues, 4pm.. first time going for a real interview at such corporations... damm scared.. :(